16th SLC was held on the 1st -4th June, which aims to gather student leaders from the Asia-Pacific area to discuss social issues pertinent to youths. This majestic event was organized by the student councilors from HCI and NYGS and mentored by several teacher advisors, such as Mr Edmund Teo.
Eventually, this event was well-planned and it went smoothly, although some minor-hiccups occurred sometimes. The Organising team was mainly made up of 20 Sec 3s and 7 Sec 2s. Thus, you can see that I am the minority and both sides (sec 2 and sec 3) did have trouble communicating with each other due to some reasons, which I would elaborate further later. The selection of the OT took place in December when Samuel and I were the two selected Sec 2s from Ortus.
At that point of time, I had mixed feelings in my mind-both jubilant and stressed. My seniors told me that the planning of SLC (not the Service Learning Club! Haha) will be taxing and stressful, but as the Chinese saying goes “一份耕耘,一份收获”, the ending results will be enjoyable. When the event ended, I finally understand that it is worth the immense efforts that we had put through for the past 5 months.
Through the planning of SLC, we held uncountable meetings and the one that I remembered most vividly was the first General Meeting. It was the only meeting that we played icebreakers so as to let us ‘break the ice’. However, this was not the part which I enjoyed the most. In fact, it was Mr Edmund Teo’s words. I could still remember every word he said and they are still etched in my mind. This was what he said, “The Student Leaders’ Convention is the biggest event in Hwa Chong that is solely organized by the student leaders, and the teachers do not play a part in it.” Of course, teacher advisors still play a part as they were in charge of vetting our work and proposals.
During HCNYATFM (the name sounds nice and professional and I still prefer CSM though), the OT took a group photo.

I thought that the planning of this event would take up most of my time and my results would drop drastically. Surprisingly, my MSG for the first semester improved since last year. Maybe it was sheer luck that got me a 1.** MSG but “sheer luck” has helped me to get a 1.** MSG for two consecutive terms!
As this event ended in a blink, I somehow think something went missing in my life, such as attending weekly meetings in the King Albert Park Macdonald’s at 7pm and burning midnight oil to complete proposals. However, as time goes by, all these vanished but will always stay in the back of my mind.
I hope to join the 17th SLC Organising Team as the experience is really enriching and enjoyable.
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