Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Confessions of an alcoholic

Let me introduce myself first. I am a manager, working for Fedlex. My monthly salary is two thousand dollars. I am married with two children. Everyday after work (about 8pm), without fail, I will go to a coffee shop to drink beer, the shop which I patronize the most.
Okay, I know you will say that I should go home right after work to play with my kids, but I really cannot control my urge to drink. Moreover, the so-called “drinking session” is the only time for me to take a good rest after the long day at work. Also, if I go home too early, my wife will start nagging at me for coming home too early, and she will say that I should spend more time working overtime and earn more money, instead of coming home to slack.
I started drinking beer when I started working as I really could not cope with tremendous stress that my boss gave me. Therefore, I can only drown my sorrows with beer. Of course, I know that drinking too much beer will harm me and family a lot. I may have lung cancer in a few years’ time but the beer seemed as drugs to me and I really cannot control myself.
Normally, I will spend one hundred bucks after every “drinking session” and I don’t really care about it very much. I know, I am not supposed to drive after consuming beer as I may harm the lives of road-users and myself. However, how should I go home if I cannot drive? Taking a cab home and abandon my car?
By drinking beer, I feel high and all my worries are gone. Beer is the only thing that I can think of when I am sorrowful. Although some of you may say that the effects of drinking beer is the same as consuming drugs, but the only thing different is that drinking beer is legal but not for drugs. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? Playing sports or exercise will not help as I do not have any friends to play with and I hate to sweat (haha!).
I have confess to you all of myself being an alcoholic. Can you really understand my plight?

1 comment:

  1. ya..i understand.my uncle also liked to drink beer and he said the same thing but my grandma said:"After you drink beer,youir stamach will grow a worm..evrytime youdrink,it grow until it reaches your neck and struggles to get beer or else it will toss and turn in your body."i think what she means is thatyou will get hooked to drinking beer like hooked to drugs.it will harm your body and make you uncomfortable if you dont drink...

    Nice and interesting blog post..good description..keep it up
