Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is progress necessarily beneficial for the society?

iPhones, iPod, Vista, PSP, these are the so-called fashion stuff nowadays. Can people die if these gadgets are not invented? However, if computers or handphones were not invented, communication among the people in the world will not be possible and I am sure we will have trouble surviving in this planet. Therefore, do you think progress is necessarily beneficial for us?
In my opinion, I think I am near to the disagreeing side. Let me tell you the reason. Let’s take Village by the Sea as an example. As Biju’s motorised boat was being built, a lorry transporting timber tried going into the sandy beach. However, it got stuck and needed the help of the villagers to make it going again. As a result, a boy joked that the lorry driver should send his timber in a bullock cart as it will not get stuck in the sand like his “modern” lorry does. This shows that progress may not always make the lives of people more convenient. Another example: Biju’s motorised boat. Do you think Biju can catch so much fish if his boat is not motorised? No, he cannot. Therefore, this shows that progress or invention may make the lives of people more convenient.
As society progresses, many pros and cons appeared. The pros are the convenience it brings to us and the cons are that we may become too reliant over that invention and cannot live without it.
Think about it. Since the ancient people can survived happily without any invention or progress, why can’t we?

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